Somehow, someway, we’re in March. The Bone Guys didn’t see their shadow and are ready to welcome you into an early spring, whether it’s 10-below in Michigan or beach weather in California. Bambi’s mother is alive and well, and woodland creatures everywhere are singing a song of harmony.
Welcome to our sunny, ever-optimistic March issue. We love nothing more than hearing from our readers, so please take a minute from smelling the flowers to share your own dental fun stories, favorite photo, cartoon, or anything else you’d like to see materialize in this newsletter.
Until then, enjoy what follows!

— A Long Island dentist was arrested for having a weapons cache containing 18 untraceable ghost guns.
— Tara Peterson, a member of the U.S. Women’s Curling Team, is also a dentist in Minnesota (!!).
—Using robotic technology, a Flagstaff dentist gave himself his own dental implant.
— Should one brush their teeth before or after morning coffee? The debate rages. Although “before” seems to win the day.
— A brief history of adorning one’s teeth in jewelry, which appears to be popular again.
— L.A. rapper BG Perico had his tooth split in half in a late February car accident.
— Please, please stop neglecting your donkey’s teeth.
— A newly discovered species of dinosaur in Portugal is believed to have had regenerating teeth.
— Geese teeth aren’t really technically teeth. And that’s one to grow on.
— For some reason, Daisy is the only character is Super Mario that has teeth. And for some reason, someone wrote about that.

Just when you thought you could sit back and relax into a gap month between your heartfelt holiday-heavy February and an Easter-y April… a new threat emerges.
It turns out March is a banner month for holidays. But only if you’re a dentist.
The fun begins when March itself does. March 1st is officially “Share a Smile Day,” intended for everyone to put their best face forward and show a friendly expression to all they meet. Smiles not only make others feel more comfortable, they have health benefits. Research shows that smiling initially increases the heart rate, the resulting relaxation of the heart muscles floods the body with endorphins that make you feel happy and neuropeptides that bring down stress, simultaneously reducing blood pressure and boosting your mood.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of smiling? It’s contagious.
And speaking of spreading good vibes, the entire week of March 6-12 happens to be Dental Assistants Recognition Week. For over 9,000 years, humans have been practicing dentistry. We imagine they’ve always had someone by their side to help take notes, prep patients, manage appointments, and accompany our dental ancestors for shots of Tequila during stone-age office parties.
The modern record of dentistry attributes New Orleans’ Dr. Edmund Kells with establishing the formal system of having professional dental assistants when he hired one Malvina Cueria to help at his growing practice, where his wife officially also served as a dental assistant.
Whatever the history, you all know what to do. Lavish praise, love, and attention on the most assisting-est dental assistant in your lives. We really couldn’t do this without them. They deserve the week, at least!
Lest if feels like everyone else is getting the love, remember that March 6 is also National Dentists Day, marked by national parades, air shows, and grand fireworks displays everywhere. Okay, maybe not. But we love dentists and plan to celebrate the dental professionals in our lives accordingly.
There will be cake!
Here’s to a happy March, whether you be a dentist, a dental assistant, or one of the billions with an authentic smile for everyone you may encounter.


We are a family enterprise distributing dental products from a marvelous group of select companies—whether it be a non-profit source of restorative biologics, a high quality & cost-effective surgical solution, or simply a product referral.
We’re focused on education and helping others succeed while enjoying everything quirky and special about the dental community.
We love the world of dentistry nearly as much as we love the dentists we count ourselves so lucky to work with. Let’s join hands and celebrate all things teeth, from the practical to the extremely weird and everything in between.
Contact Colin Browne at Maxxeus with a referral in order to win a special prize!

The Bone Guys encourage you to send us your upcoming events. Until then, we'll see you here...
According to research by Sikka Software, emergency dental visits go up 64% nationwide the day after St. Patrick’s Day, attributed to falls, fistfights, and biting. Yes, biting. Here’s how it broke down state-by-state in 2015.